
När jag inte befinner mig på samma plats som du, min familj, och mina vänner, är det detta som händer


Kategori: Allmänt

Hittade en övrigt flik under meddelande på fejjan, där låg ett kärleksbrev och väntade!
Nu undrar jag bara vad tusan det är för grupp jag har gått med i... och när??

  • Drake Reed
    den 7 augusti
    Drake Reed
    • Hello Dear.

      How are you doing today and i hope you are doing fine. I can't help but say you are beautiful, I am really amazed at your beauty.

      I am Drake Reed by name, am 50 years old, successful business man, i live and base in Swansea here in WALES.

      I am currently a single, I lost my wife 4 years ago in a car accident, so since then I've been a lonely man.

      I really don't have much to say about my self except I am being asked, I am new here I'm looking for a serious relationship that is why I joined this lovely web site newly and i hope to leave the site as soon as i meet that special woman i need in my life.

      I will like to know if you would like to chat so that we get to know each other better, some of my hobbies are movies, swimming and dancing .

      I'm new on this site,i will like to know you better if you don't mind .

      I really will love to hear from you, You can add me to your yahoo messenger and here is my yahoo email address and msn email address ( [email protected] or [email protected] )

      Kindly send me yours so i can add you too, it takes two to tangle... You are beautiful,

      I am always on line if you care to chat hope to hear from you sooner my dear and i will be very happy when you can write to me with your private mail address direct to my private mail address.

      Cheers till i hear from you. I wait with curiosity to hear from you.

      Love Greetings

      Drake Reed


  • Elin säger:

    Det där brevet slår ju dikten från Sri lankesen med hästlängder My dear!

    2011-09-19 | 09:46:39
  • mathilda säger:

    Icke! ett collage kräver mer tid, fantasi och i ditt fall galenhet

    2011-09-19 | 12:10:55
  • Elin säger:

    Så sant, jag hade visst förträngt collaget.

    2011-09-19 | 15:45:09

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